
71th World Health Assembly

21-26 May 2018, Geneva

DITTA has a delegation of more than 20 members registered. Nicole Denjoy, DITTA Vice-chair will lead the delegation. DITTA delegates will attend several side events and meetings during that week.

DITTA is proud to have an official session in partnership with IFPMA which will take place in Palais des Nations (room IX) on Friday 25 May 2018 at 7pm.

This year only 7 official side events from non state actors were accepted at Palais des Nations. Click Opens external link in new windowhere to access to the list of side events from non-state actors. More details to come soon on the detailed programme.

To register, click Opens external link in new windowhere.

Programme available Initiates file downloadhere.

Speakers Bios available Initiates file downloadhere.