
Second WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices

The Second WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices ‘Priority Medical Devices for Universal Health Coverage’ was held on the 22-24 November 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland.

It provided the global public health community with opportunities for information exchange and collaboration to increase access to high-quality, safe, and appropriate priority medical devices.

The conference allowed end users and stakeholders from academia, international organizations, industry, and NGOs to share their experiences and challenges in providing access to medical devices.

DITTA Chair Nicole Denjoy attended the Forum, and gave presentations at various sessions, including contributions to workshops, on the topics of: regulating medical software, international standards, and non-communicable diseases.

The DITTA presentations are available here.

Initiates file downloadInternational Standards State of Play and Future Trends in the medical domain

Initiates file downloadMedical Software Regulatory and Legal trends

Initiates file downloadMedical Devices for The Non-Communicable Diseases Agenda