
ALERT Group Joins COCIR as a New Member

COCIR is pleased to announce that ALERT Group has become its most recent member. ALERT’s motto of “Paper-free health care – anywhere” illustrates their commitment to sustainability and eHealth, which is fully in line with COCIR’s approach.

ALERT was set up in December 1999 and now employs 800 people. The company’s software works toward creating paper-free clinical environments, enabling citizens to manage, organise and contribute to their own health information, allowing healthcare providers and citizens to exchange healthcare information, to efficiently manage resources and helping medical students to learn medicine in a new way.

Maria João Azeredo, Head of Business Development at ALERT explained their objectives, saying “Our goal with the partnership with COCIR is, as a software vendor, to reinforce our commitment with continuous improvement of quality, efficiency and safety of our clinical care software.”

COCIR Secretary General, Nicole Denjoy said "We are pleased to welcome this successful European SME on-board and feel sure that with their experience in providing efficient eHealth solutions, they will contribute significantly to COCIR’s eHealth activities.”


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Kathryn Sheridan
COCIR Communications Advisor
00 32 (0) 496 116198