
COCIR 50th Anniversary Helps Build Sustainable Healthcare Model

COCIR, the European trade association for the radiological, electromedical and healthcare IT industry, celebrated its 50th anniversary in June with a packed programme of workshops. Organised to coincide with the international standardisation committee IEC TC 62 meetings covering medical electrical equipment, those two events brought together over 250 guests and experts from 30 countries.

A number of initiatives were launched by COCIR including the new Code of Conduct which will guide the way COCIR members interact with healthcare professionals and the first Industry Standard on Good Refurbishment Practice (GRP) which clearly demonstrates the way COCIR companies handle refurbished medical devices to ensure their safety, quality and continued performance.

Vice President of the European Commission Günter Verheugen said in his introductory speech at the Gala Dinner that the medical technology industry was leading innovation in Europe and described the industry as “one of the crown jewels of Europe”. Heinrich von Wulfen, COCIR President shared with the audience that COCIR is at the forefront of innovation. “It is key for Europe to keep its leadership in innovation. We can continue to take the lead as long as we have a regulatory framework which focuses on competitiveness and on making innovation accessible to citizens in an efficient way. This includes smarter regulation to allow faster time to market”.

COCIR will continue its initiatives and involvement in the key areas which were discussed during the workshops around the 50th anniversary celebration. COCIR Secretary General Nicole Denjoy said “The 50th anniversary brought together the leading lights from the world of healthcare. COCIR is committed to working together with all partners and stakeholders to build a sustainable healthcare model which can respond to the needs of our society today and in the next fifty years”. 

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Kathryn Sheridan
COCIR Communications Advisor
00 32 (0) 496 116198