
COCIR Launches Code Of Conduct E-learning Tool

COCIR has today launched an interactive elearning tool to complement its pan-European Code of Conduct. The COCIR Code of Conduct sets the ethical standard for companies in their interactions with healthcare professionals. The e-learning tool is designed for both COCIR members and non-members, e.g. agents, distributors and suppliers and helps test and improve their knowledge and understanding of the key principles contained in the COCIR Code of Conduct, including their practical application.

The COCIR Code of Conduct, formally launched in 2009, now includes interpretive guidance in the form of Questions & Answers and Do’s & Don’ts which have been published in an online booklet. In addition to the English version, the COCIR Code is also now available in Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish langages. A French version was recently published in December 2012.

Commenting on the launch, COCIR Secretary General Nicole Denjoy said, “The COCIR e-learning tool clearly demonstrates COCIR’s commitment to ethics and transparency in the medical technology industry. This is the first time an e-learning tool has been made available to a wide audience free of charge to better understand the rules followed by our industry and build awareness on its implementation.”

Opens external link in new windowThe e-learning tool can be accessed from the COCIR website. A certificate is awarded if the training is carried out successfully. An iPad version is also available.


For more information contact:

Nicole Denjoy 
COCIR Secretary General      
Tel: +32 (0)2 706 8961 

For press questions please contact:

Kathryn Sheridan
COCIR Communications Advisor
00 32 (0) 496 116198

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