
COCIR Launches its First Guide on EU Structural and Investment Funds Guide for Health Projects

BRUSSELS – 2 July 2014 – Today, COCIR launches its new guide ‘Opens external link in new windowTowards EU Structural and Investment Funds for Health Projects in 2014-2020’.  The step-by-step document aims to build awareness of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and help potential beneficiaries access these funds for healthcare projects.

As EU Member States are working on Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes for the next 7 years, this guide comes at a critical moment.  It includes a foreword signed by the Directors General of the EU’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and Directorate-General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO), who welcomed this publication.

Nicole Denjoy, Secretary General of COCIR, said, “We strive to help potential beneficiaries take advantage of opportunities which promote healthcare, especially during this time when money is tight and we continue to suffer from the economic crisis.  We are convinced this concise guide will help healthcare organisations review their key projects and enhance health investments under ESIF.”

Making cutting-edge medical technologies accessible to all European citizens is crucial to COCIR’s mission, as it will reduce healthcare inequalities, enhance quality of care and make European healthcare delivery more efficient.  Nicole Denjoy added, “Considering COCIR’s focus to deploy efforts in key European Eastern countries, we are proud that this launch takes place after a very successful press conference last week, organised by COCIR in Poland in partnership with Lewiatan, a highly respected Polish employers’ association.  Our guide, already available in English and Polish, will be soon translated in additional languages to increase its reach to Member States in need of long-term health investments.”

For more information, contact:

Nicole Denjoy
COCIR Secretary General        
Tel: +32 (0)2 706 8961
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Kathryn Sheridan
COCIR Communications Advisor
Tel: +32 (0)496 116198    
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