
COCIR publishes its Position Paper on Innovation

Brussels - 19 May 2011 In the light of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, COCIR, the trade association representing the medical devices and healthcare IT industry, is launching today its Position Paper "Towards an innovation-driven healthcare model" to give an industry perspective on the opportunities and challenges innovation-driven healthcare presents.

The Position Paper sets out the industry's expectations for an innovation-friendly healthcare future in Europe both on how to support the development of innovative technologies and by helping these technologies come to market faster.

COCIR member companies are constantly developing highly-innovative technologies, from medical imaging to healthcare IT solutions which all have the potential to transform healthcare systems towards a more patient-centric approach and keep pace with society's rapidly-evolving healthcare challenges. Our industry is one of the leading sectors in Europe for R&D, investing around 8% of annual revenue.

COCIR Secretary General, Nicole Denjoy said "Innovative medical technologies and healthcare IT have always been a major driving force in the quest to increase healthcare quality, efficiency and productivity. However, all too often they are seen as a cost rather than an opportunity for society. We hope this Position Paper will contribute to creating a proactive "innovation pull" from users and maximise the transformational effect of technology on healthcare delivery, bringing benefits to patients and the economy sooner."

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Kathryn Sheridan
COCIR Communications Advisor
00 32 (0) 496 116198