
COCIR welcomes the Committee of the Regions' Technical Platform for Cooperation on Health

COCIR* welcomed the launch on Friday 11 June of the Committee of the Regions Technical Platform for cooperation on Health that included a first stakeholder event dedicated to Structural Funds and Health.
Lucio Gussetti from the Committee of the Regions stressed that “this unique initiative will strengthen the relationship with DG SANCO and the role of the European regions in shaping EU health policies.”

This new project aims at establishing a sustainable cooperation mechanism between the European Commission’s DG SANCO and the Committee of the Regions. It offers an opportunity for local and regional authorities to share their knowledge and to provide concrete input on the EU health strategy, in collaboration with all key healthcare stakeholders.

Isabel de la Mata Barranco from DG SANCO said, “DG SANCO supports the creation of this Technical Platform on Health which will ensure a structured dialogue with the regions and allow exchange of best practices on various thematic areas of common interest in health.”

This Platform, chaired by DG SANCO and the Committee of the Regions, will meet three times per year. It will focus on four main themes: health prevention, health workforce, Structural Funds and health inequalities.

Octavian Purcarea, COCIR Structural Funds Champion, presented the healthcare industry’s key experience, challenges and recommendations on the use of Structural Funds at the stakeholder event. Octavian said that “access to Structural Funds should be facilitated, the transparency of public tenders should be increased and the accent should fall on functional (and not on detailed technical) specifications and early involvement of users – patient and health professionals.”

*COCIR is the European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry


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