
The Chinese Association of Medical Equipment (CAME) and the European Healthcare Trade Association COCIR organized on 20th April 2008 the first round table during the China Medical Equipment Fair in Shenzhen with several members from their organizations as well as distinguished members of the China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI).


Mr. Meng Jianguo, CAME Secretary General, chairing this meeting, was very happy to have such a successful attendance bringing a fair representation of Chinese hospitals and universities, local leading companies as well as international companies to get an open dialogue on this important matter. Mr. Meng added that “China is investigating into ways how to build a harmonious society. Refurbishing medical equipment is important for saving resources and also protecting the environment. In the attempt to bring newest technology at affordable costs to Chinese citizens and shape a more sustainable healthcare system, this is now the time for China to benefit from solutions already available in other parts of the world and investigate the practice of medical equipment refurbishment”. This was echoed by Mr. Lee, from the China Health and Medical Development Foundation stating that “China should benefit from organized and controlled refurbished process”.


All key stakeholders including regulators, users and the medical industry have to work together on solutions to build an efficient and sustainable healthcare system.


“We believe that COCIR can bring solutions and share its expertise and experience from Europe and other regions” said Nicole Denjoy, COCIR Secretary General. The healthcare Industry is convinced that they can make citizens healthier, safer and with the help of the innovative technology, increase citizen’s life expectancy.


During this 1st roundtable an initial consensus was reached among the participants on the need to have an agreed established process on how to deliver safe and effective refurbished equipments. More activity is expected to come in the near future in China on this strategic matter.


SOURCE: Chinese Association of Medical Equipment (CAME) and the European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry (COCIR)

CONTACT: Maurizio Andreano, COCIR Business Manager

Tel: +86 (10) 6462 2066; Email:



The Chinese Association of Medical Equipment (CAME):

CAME is a non for profit society which consists of companies and individuals engaged on medical equipment governance, R&D, education, application and maintenance technology on the basis of voluntary principles. It services the healthcare institutes, manufacturers, companies and healthcare administrations as a bridge and nexus. Its objective is to prompt the development of medical devices technology and serve the health and medical industry on the premise of implementing state healthcare policies and laws.   


The European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry (COCIR):

COCIR has been the voice of the healthcare and medical IT industry in the European Union since 1959 and is working to develop the future of healthcare in Europe and beyond.  COCIR, based in Brussels, represents the interests and activities of its members, global companies and SMEs as well as national trade associations, and acts as a channel for communication between all its members and the European institutions and other global regulatory bodies. It promotes free worldwide trade of medical devices and encourages the use of advanced technology supporting cost-efficient healthcare delivery worldwide. COCIR represents more than 50 000 employees in Europe and generates a business of more than 40 Billion Euros.


The China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI):

CAMDI was founded in 1991 and is one of the first-class independent corporations registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of People’s Republic of China. It is an industrial and non for profit society which consists of companies and individuals engaged on manufacturing, distributing, R&D, testing and education training of medical devices on the basis of voluntary principle. There are 15 branches and professional committees supporting over 4, 000 membership companies of CAMDI. Its mission of is that of complying with state laws and regulations CAMDI represents common benefits of its members, safeguards the legal rights of members, and promotes constantly the safety and effectiveness of medical devices as well as the development of Chinese medical device.


The China Health and Medical Development Foundation (CHMDF):

CHMDF was set up by retired healthcare experts and is supported by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Civil Affairs and State Food and Drug Administration, and was approved by the State Council on 7th May, 2005. CHMDF is a national non for profit organization which strives to assist the government to solve healthcare service accessibility problem in China aiming to help more poor Chinese people and disadvantage group living in urban and rural areas accessing to healthcare service needed.

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