DITTA, the Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT & Radiation Therapy Trade Association, applauds the International Medical Devices Regulators Forum (IMDRF) for its progress in converging regulatory frameworks on 19 and 20 March 2013 in Nice, France. DITTA is pleased to contribute to the important work of this international body.
The IMDRF Open Stakeholder forum on 20 March, attended by 23 countries, permitted DITTA to re-emphasize its involvement in IMDRF activities and to present its priorities and matured New Work Item Proposal on Medical Software for which we expect a formal response from IMDRF Management Committee soon. DITTA members stand ready to contribute even more: accelerate regulatory convergence, identify commonalities, drive efficiency and develop approaches to overcome unnecessary regulatory barriers.
Nicole Denjoy, DITTA Chair said, “Our engagement is critical to address the common public health regulatory challenges in a global setting. We very much appreciate IMDRF’s openness to industry participation. In fact, DITTA has created related working groups to formalize its contribution to IMDRF’s key work items. DITTA’s continued involvement will facilitate true representation of our key industry sectors while maximizing public health and safety, which remains our main priority.”
For more information on DITTA, visit the website www.globalditta.org.
DITTA is the global voice for diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy, healthcare IT, electromedical and radiopharmaceutical manufacturers to better communicate, coordinate and collaborate on matters of common interest between participating associations and member companies. DITTA enables participating associations and their member companies to work more effectively with international policymakers, organizations, professional associations and stakeholders.