
IHE Press Release: IHE-Europe Expands its Membership

IHE-Europe is pleased to welcome IHE Suisse, IHE Turkey, Forcare and VISUS as four new members this April.

Both IHE Suisse, which was created in March and IHE Turkey, set up in November last year are National IHE Initiatives, bringing the number of National IHE Initiatives from seven to nine.

Forcare and VISUS are both software small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These companies are the first two SMEs to join IHE-Europe, a consequence of the newly-revised membership model for vendors which now favours SMEs and especially those who take part in the European Connectathon.

Forcare is a Dutch-based SME employing about 10 people which develops profiles and establishes projects in the Netherlands and Belgium. Forcare has been coordinating the industry team for the European project epSOS on behalf of IHE-Europe.

VISUS is a company with 70 employees based in Germany which develops healthcare software.



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