
IHE Press Release: New IHE Director of Interoperability Appointed

During its General Assembly last week, IHE-Europe re-elected Peter Kuenecke as vendor Co-Chair for another two-year mandate. Peter Mildenberger, representing the European Society of Radiology (ESR), was appointed as ‘past user Co-Chair’.
Karima Bourquard, previously user Co-Chair, was appointed to the newly-created position of Director of Interoperability. Peter Mildenberger replaces her as past user Co-Chair in the Executive Board of IHE-Europe.

As Director of Interoperability, Karima Bourquard will monitor the EU projects where IHE is involved, including the European Patient Smart Open Service (epSOS), the Healthcare Interoperability Testing and Conformance Harmonisation (HITCH) and Calliope, which has increased the visibility of the IHE user-plus-vendor methodology.

“Grassroots work over the past years has proven the efficiency of the IHE user-plus-vendor methodology. As a result, IHE and this methodology have gained more visibility and will undoubtedly bring major contributions to European projects on interoperability,” said Peter Kuenecke.

Peter Mildenberger is a Radiologist and a Professor at the University of Medicine in Mainz, Germany and is also responsible for IT in the Radiology department. An active member of the European Society of Radiology, Dr Mildenberger was a founding participant in IHE-Europe and led the pioneering implementation of a clinical teaching system at Mainz University.


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