
Nicole Denjoy Chairs International Policy Task Force

Nicole Denjoy, Secretary General of COCIR, has taken over the chair of the BIAC Task Force on Health Care Policy and led for the first time the BIAC delegation in a recent consultation with the OECD extended bureau. BIAC, the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD, is the voice of OECD business. It is an independent business association advising government policymakers at OECD on policy issues. Established in 1962, it is officially recognised by the OECD as representing business.
Commenting on her appointment, COCIR Secretary General, Nicole Denjoy said “I am very proud to have been nominated to chair such a prestigious group. I very much look forward to working with my vice-chairs and members of the task force in continuing the good work of my predecessor in fostering a good understanding on the part of governments of the healthcare policy challenges and in finding innovative solutions. This is a particularly important year for this Task Force, as the OECD prepares for its health ministerial in October on Health Priorities in the Aftermath of the Crisis.”

The BIAC Task Force on Health Care policy provides input on a wide range of OECD healthcare activities. These include health data and health accounts, addressing financial sustainability challenges, improving efficiency in healthcare delivery, innovation, economics of prevention, ICT in healthcare and health workforce issues. 


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