Week-Long IHE Connect-a-thon A Great Success Over 700 vendor/actor combinations were tested at the 2006 IHE Connect-a-thon held in Barcelona on 24-28 April. Hot topics at the Connect-a-thon were workflow and access to information, security, patient management and document sharing and patient summaries.67 companies from 15 countries were represented at the Connect-athon to test the interoperability of their systems with the full participation of users. The Connect-a-thon was attended by over 250 participants. Of the 250 participants, most were engineers representing 67 systems vendors from 15 countries as well as 23 ‘IHE monitors’ led by Eric Poiseau, IHE-Europe’s Technical Manager, were in charge of the controlling the tests. At the Connect-a-thon, 117 systems were interconnected. Vendors could apply for up to ten ‘Integration Profiles’ in 5 domains (infrastructure, radiology, laboratory, cardiology and patient care coordination) with each participant playing a certain role (e.g. admitting a patient, printing an image). By the end of the week, more than 700 vendor/actor combinations had been tested, verified and approved, resulting in more than 1600 tests performed. Despite being leading players in a highly competitive market, vendor cooperation was excellent as the companies aimed for ‘gold star’ ratings. The results will be published in the ‘Connect-a-thon Results table’ on the IHEEurope website www.ihe-europe.org. Vendors may then use the ‘Integration Statements’ to show the compliance of their products with the IHE Integration Profile. This is a clear benefit to vendors when responding to Requests for Proposals from Users’ Sites. Representatives from public office in the Spanish regions, Europe, the USA and even Uruguay attended the event. The Connect-a-thon results will be presented to the European Commission at the eHealth Forum in Malaga from 10 to 12 May, 2006. Contacts: Eric Poiseau Nicole Denjoy IHE Europe Technical Project Manager IHE Europe Secretary Tel: +33 (0) 2 23 23 47 70 Tel: +32 (0)2 706 8961 eric.poiseau@inria.fr denjoy@cocir.org |
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