Washington, DC–The Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT & Radiation Therapy Trade Association (DITTA) announced today that the Thai Medical Device Technology Industry Association (THAIMED) is a new member to the international association. THAIMED and DITTA share goals to improve the global regulatory environment, expand market access to their members and enhance the global competitiveness of member companies. “The addition of THAIMED will further amplify our global voice, while enhancing DITTA’s capacity to respond to challenges and promote the interests of our members in Southeast Asia and around the world,” said Gail Rodriguez, DITTA Chair. “With the addition of THAIMED, we look forward to strengthening our growing partnership and will continue to strive for a more powerful and unified organization.” As the newest member of DITTA, THAIMED joins other associations such as COCIR (Europe), JIRA (Japan), MEDEC (Canada) and MITA (United States) in the global industry association for diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy, healthcare IT, electromedical and radiopharmaceuticals. The addition of THAIMED enables DITTA to more efficiently communicate with international policymakers, organizations and stakeholders with one united voice. ### DITTA is the global voice for diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy, healthcare IT, electromedical and radiopharmaceutical manufacturers to better communicate, coordinate and collaborate on matters of common interest between participating associations and member companies. DITTA enables participating associations and their member companies to work more effectively with international policymakers, organizations, professional associations and stakeholders.